October at the Bayard Arboretum; photo by Valerie Miller. © Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/our-church-services.html#emaillist ============================================== Wednesday October 30 @ 7:00 PM Zoom MEDITATION & BLESSINGS With Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Ai Image from Freepik. ============================================== Thursday October 31@ 7:30 PM Zoom MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meetup Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski “Giving Those in Spirit Their Due Respect” Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom, we will be working with those in spirit and ask them: “What can we do to show more respect to you?” Let us see what we can do so the general public shows proper respect to those who have transitioned and help to remove the fear and misinformation about the World of Spirit. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send written permission from a parent before the class. Please email Frank by 2 pm on Thursday to let him know if you are coming: [email protected] ••• The cost for this class is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, please email Frank at the address above. Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Photo by Tiago Felipe Ferreira on Unsplash. ============================= Thursday October 31 Halloween, Samhain and Diwali Samhain: At the crossroads of the harvest and winter, this ancient holiday signifies the end of the fruitful season and the onset of the darker half of the year. It’s believed that during this time, the veil between the living and the spirit world is at its most fragile, inviting moments of deep reflection, ancestor veneration, and spiritual connection. https://spells8.com/lessons/samhain-symbols-pagan-holiday/ Halloween image from Freepik. Diwali is a “festival of lights” that celebrates the triumph of light over dark, good over evil, and the blessings of victory, freedom, and enlightenment. On the night of Diwali, celebrants light dozens of candles and clay lamps, placing them throughout their homes and in the streets to light up the night. https://www.almanac.com/content/diwali Image by Sudo from Pixabay. ============================================== Friday November 1 New Moon in Scorpio The Scorpio New Moon arrives on the auspicious 111- the first day of the eleventh month. 111 has long been considered a high-vibrational angel number that helps us to manifest and bring balance to our mind, body, and soul. 111 is closely connected to angelic realms and reminds us that we are not alone in this vast and magical Universe. If you could use some reassurance, if you could use some hope that angels are on your side, allow this New Moon to be your reminder. You are being looked after. There is a plan. There is a path. All you have to do is trust and keep the faith. The past Eclipses and even upcoming cosmic weather of November may test us at times. There is volatility brewing in our skies with tense alignments coming from Mars and Pluto. Uranus, the planet of awakening and change, is also adding itself into the mix later in the month, adding to the volatility and insecurity we may be feeling. Life may have been turned upside down, or we may be juggling many projects. Impactful change may have taken place, or we may find ourselves struggling emotionally and mentally. This point in our year can be a difficult one too, as we navigate holidays, family obligations, and more. Whatever has been moving through your world, this New Moon is here to offer a dose of strength and support. It reminds us to keep the faith and to remember that the angels are on our side! More to read at: https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-scorpio-new-moon-november-2024 =========================== Saturday November 1 & 2 Dia de Muertos 15 facts about the holiday: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/g33792819/day-of-the-dead-facts/ Image by pikisuperstar from Freepik. ============================================== Saturday November 2 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM Our hybrid church service starts at 10:30 AM. 10:30 AM: Get to know us/Zoom chat room opens. 10:45 AM: Worship Service begins. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski We welcome you to join our in-person service at the UUFSB building, where we have been meeting since January 2018: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, Religious Education Wing, 380 Nicolls Rd., East Setauket, NY 11733. For those joining us for the first time please see the directions on our website page 'HOW to REACH US': https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/how-to-reach-us.html Summerland Covid protocol: UUFSB has provided room air filters, which will be used during service. No vaccinations required, masks are optional. You may bring your own hand sanitizing gel or wipes, if you choose. Personal beverages allowed. • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online and hybrid church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are meeting less often in person so we have less opportunity to collect donations in person to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Sunday November 3 Daylight Savings Time ends Clocks turn back one hour at 2 AM. ============================================== Tuesday November 5 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski CANCELLED Hi, everyone. Hi, everyone. The next Tuesday night in-person Mediumship Development Meetup at UUFSB in East Setauket will be on November 19, from 7 to 9 pm. Stay tuned for further information. If you would like to join us, please email our church at [email protected] If you are younger than 18 years of age, I need permission from a parent beforehand. Rev. Frank Kotowski [email protected] The cost of this class is $12.00. You can pay on our website at the link directly below, or pay at class. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash. ============================================== Previously ============================================== During a discussion after a recent service, there was a request to offer suggestions for reading material that would help someone uplift their spirit or resonate with their heart vibration. We are collecting ideas and will provide a list in a forthcoming newsletter. ============================================== Looking Ahead ============================================== Every Wednesday MEDITATION & BLESSINGS at 7:00 PM Zoom Every Thursday MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT at 7:30 PM Zoom ============ Saturday November 9 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service ============ Tuesday November 12 Zoom MEDITATION & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM ============ Saturday November 16 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Monday November 18 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Tuesday November 19 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 23 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon ============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== More Exciting News! SCOL's Writers Club on Zoom continues to meet on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. The next meetings will be on November 18 and December 16. This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. If you are a member, you can suggest exercises for us to do! We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] ======================= In-Person Mediumship Class directed by the Rev. Frank Kotowski meets most often on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7-9 PM at UUFSB in East Setauket. The next classes will be on November 19 and December 3. This class is open to everyone, but it would help if you had some experience in intuitive and mediumistic work. The cost for this Meetup is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, email our church and Rev. Frank will get back to you to discuss this. ======================= "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank.If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. The next classes will be on November 12 and Decmber 10 . For more information see poster here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ======================= Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on November 2 and 16. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Michael D. Bob J., Camille and Chrissy Helena, Bethany and Jon Beverly M. Betty G. Lisa R. Don B. Scott B. Dessie M. Mark in PA. Sam Andrea Sabrina John Janet Margarita Kathy D. Lynette G. Beverly M. Jennifer and Mom F. Raymond F. (transitioned) Loralei S. Gerry G. Zoe and Zachariah W. Karen R. and family Carole M. and Stewart S. Patricia S. John G. and Suzanne W. Ebony and family Eileen T. and family Chloe F. Faith F. Marie R. Darrah D. Adele S. Evelyn H. Medhat S. Katy Rose C. Alex S. Manal S. Julia S. Karen S. Janet S. Les G. Carry Danielle S. Harry S. ======================= Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. Prayers for all those who are affected by recent and on-going wars. ======================= Prayer for the Middle East Creator, you are our Provider and Healer. We pray that Your timely help and support reach all who are in need. There is so much sorrow, pain, and conflict across the Middle East. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask You to turn their minds and hearts toward peace. Online prayer modified by Valerie. Laughing dove in Gaza; photo by براء حبوش Baraa Haboush on Unsplash. ============================================== ============================================== The veil is thinning Honor your ancestors Image: Tree of Lava by janaschi. https://1er-monde.tumblr.com/post/90252787729/tree-of-lava-by-janaschi ============================================== In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Autumn display at Stop ‘n Shop; photo by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/our-church-services.html#emaillist ============================================== Wednesday October 23 @ 7:00 PM Zoom MEDITATION & BLESSINGS With Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Ai Image from Freepik. ============================================== Thursday October 24 @ 7:30 PM Zoom MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meetup Directed by Suzanne Garrison-Terry "Trick or Treat?: Connecting through Food" Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom, Su Garrison-Terry will be directing the Meetup. This is her description of the class: Some of people's strongest memories are associated with the smells and tastes of food. Did you and your Dad share a common love of freshly caught fish? Or, did you share special cookies straight from Grandma's oven? Tonight we are going to hone in on our senses of taste and smell of those special foods that connect us to our loved ones in spirit. Preparation: Recall a food that YOU associate with your loved one. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send written permission from a parent before the class. ••• Please contact Suzanne before Thursday, 2 pm to let her know you are coming: [email protected] ••• The cost for this class is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, please email Frank at [email protected] It is a pleasure to work with you. Frank Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash. ============================================== Saturday October 26 Zoom Church SERVICE @ 12 PM noon NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Camille Johnson Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski and others Halloween service, you (or your pet) can come in costume if you prefer! Center photo: Here is Hope (Holly’s dog, then ours after she passed) as a scary witch!; photo by Holly Miller. Other images: Clown Dog and Bee Cat Ai images from Freepik. • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online and hybrid church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are meeting less often in person so we have less opportunity to collect donations in person to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Tuesday October 29 In-Person Special MEDIUMSHIP CLASS Séance at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski The next in-person mediumship class at UUFSB will be on Tuesday, October 29, from 7 to 9 pm. If you would like to come to this class, please email our church. This will be our yearly séance. If you come, please dress in period clothing if you can: anything from the Victorian Age or a previous decade: 1930s, 1940s, etc. We ask for a $12 donation for this class, which can be paid online through our website using the link below, or pay in person. If this amount is not within your budget, you can pay $10. Séance Love Donation https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send me a note of approval in an email from a parent or guardian. Rev. Frank Kotowski [email protected] ============================================== Previously ============================================== During a discussion after a recent service, there was a request to offer suggestions for reading material that would help someone uplift their spirit or resonate with their heart vibration. We are collecting ideas and will provide a list in a forthcoming newsletter. ============================================== Looking Ahead ============================================== Every Wednesday MEDITATION & BLESSINGS at 7:00 PM Zoom Every Thursday MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT at 7:30 PM Zoom ============ Saturday November 2 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday November 5 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 9 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service ============ Tuesday November 12 Zoom MEDITATION & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM ============ Saturday November 16 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Monday November 18 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Tuesday November 19 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 23 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon ============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New! SCOL has started up a Writers Club on Zoom which will meet on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. The next meetings will be on November 18 and December 16. This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] ======================= In-Person Mediumship Class directed by the Rev. Frank Kotowski meets most often on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7-9 PM at UUFSB in East Setauket. The next classes will be on November 5 and 19. This class is open to everyone, but it would help if you had some experience in intuitive and mediumistic work. The cost for this Meetup is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, email our church and Rev. Frank will get back to you to discuss this. ======================= "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank.If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. The next classes will be on November 12 and Decmber 10 . For more information see poster here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ======================= Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on November 2 and 16. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Michael D. Bob J., Camille and Chrissy Helena, Bethany and Jon Beverly M. Betty G. Lisa R. Don B. Scott B. Dessie M. Mark in PA. Sam Andrea Sabrina John Janet Margarita Kathy D. Lynette G. Beverly M. Jennifer and Mom F. Raymond F. (transitioned) Loralei S. Gerry G. Zoe and Zachariah W. Karen R. and family Carole M. and Stewart S. Patricia S. John G. and Suzanne W. Ebony and family Eileen T. and family Chloe F. Faith F. Marie R. Darrah D. Adele S. Evelyn H. Medhat S. Katy Rose C. Alex S. Manal S. Julia S. Karen S. Janet S. Les G. Carry ======================= Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. Prayers for all those who are affected by recent and on-going wars. ======================= Prayer for the Middle East Creator, you are our Provider and Healer. We pray that Your timely help and support reach all who are in need. There is so much sorrow, pain, and conflict across the Middle East. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask You to turn their minds and hearts toward peace. Online prayer modified by Valerie. Laughing dove in Gaza; photo by براء حبوش Baraa Haboush on Unsplash. ============================================== ============================================== Soap dispensers and fancy pumpkins at Kohl's, and lawn displays. Notice Cousin It! Photos by Valerie Miller. ============================================== In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Left: Autumn at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum; photo by Frank Kotowski. Right: Purple Majesty! ; photo by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/our-church-services.html#emaillist ============================================== Wednesday October 16 @ 7:00 PM Zoom MEDITATION & BLESSINGS With Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Ai Image from Freepik. ============================================== Thursday October 17 @ 7:30 PM Zoom MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meetup Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski Talking with More than One Loved-One in Spirit at a Time Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday, October 17 at 7:30 pm on Zoom, we will be working with more than one loved one in spirit at a time. Let us expand our awareness of more than one loved one in spirit and communicate with two or more and give their messages to our partners in class. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send written permission from a parent before the class. Please email Frank by 2 pm on Thursday to let him know if you are coming: [email protected] ••• The cost for this class is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, please email Frank at the address above. Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathiesen on Unsplash. ============================== Thursday October 17 Full Hunter Moon in Aries
Also: October's Hunter's Moon will be the third and closest supermoon of the year. It will best be seen rising in the east at moonrise. Officially full at 7:26 a.m. EDT on Thursday, Oct. 17. It will be in the constellation Pisces, and it will appear bright and full the day before and after as well. https://www.livescience.com/space/the-moon/the-biggest-supermoon-of-the-year-is-about-to-rise-when-to-see-the-hunters-moon-at-its-best-and-brightest Image by Stanislav Kondrashov from Pixabay. ============================================== Saturday October 19 Zoom Church SERVICE @ 12 PM noon Note: This service was changed from Zoom @ 12 PM noon to Hybrid at 10:30 AM. NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Yolanda Sing Topic: The State of Ananda and Connecting with the Divine Please note: Yolanda asks that everyone bring a closed bottle of water or an unused glass of water for the Spiritual Address. MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online and hybrid church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are meeting less often in person so we have less opportunity to collect donations in person to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Monday October 21 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash. ============================================== Tuesday October 22 Zoom MEDITATON & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. See poster for details. • For the Zoom link, please email our church in advance. The cost is $10 per person. Payable using the Meditation & Messages PayPal donation button on our website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ============================================== Previously ============================================== During a discussion after a recent service, there was a request to offer suggestions for reading material that would help someone uplift their spirit or resonate with their heart vibration. We are collecting ideas and will provide a list in a forthcoming newsletter. ============================================== Looking Ahead ============================================== Every Wednesday MEDITATION & BLESSINGS at 7:00 PM Zoom Every Thursday MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT at 7:30 PM Zoom ============ Saturday October 26 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon Haloween service! ============ Saturday November 2 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday November 5 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 9 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service ============ Tuesday November 12 Zoom MEDITATION & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM ============ Saturday November 16 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Monday November 18 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Tuesday November 19 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 23 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon ============================================== An event you may be interested in attending... ============================================== The Long Island Council of Churches is having a Gala on Thursday, October 24 as a fundraiser (dinner and dance and raffle) to raise money for the LICC food pantry in Freeport and other community needs. Rev. Frank Kotowski is a member of the LICC. See the link below for more information and email our church also for any questions. https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/983a0b31-521d-413b-a706-9078d3a094de ============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New! SCOL has started up a Writers Club on Zoom which will meet on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. The next meetings will be on October 21 and November 18. This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] ======================= In-Person Mediumship Class directed by the Rev. Frank Kotowski meets most often on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7-9 PM at UUFSB in East Setauket. The next classes will be on October 15 and November 5. This class is open to everyone, but it would help if you had some experience in intuitive and mediumistic work. The cost for this Meetup is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, email our church and Rev. Frank will get back to you to discuss this. ======================= "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank.If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. The next classes will be on October 22 and November 12 . For more information see poster here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ======================= Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on November 2 and 16. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Michael D. Bob J., Camille and Chrissy Helena, Bethany and Jon Beverly M. Betty G. Lisa R. Don B. Scott B. Dessie M. Mark in PA. Sam Andrea Sabrina John Janet Margarita Kathy D. Lynette G. Beverly M. Jennifer and Mom F. Raymond F. (transitioned) Loralei S. Gerry G. Zoe and Zachariah W. Karen R. and family Carole M. and Stewart S. Patricia S. John G. and Suzanne W. Ebony and family Eileen T. and family Chloe F. Faith F. Marie R. Darrah D. Adele S. Evelyn H. Medhat S. Katy Rose C. Alex S. Manal S. Julia S. Karen S. Janet S. ======================= Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. Prayers for all those who are affected by recent and on-going wars. ======================= Prayer for the Middle East Creator, you are our Provider and Healer. We pray that Your timely help and support reach all who are in need. There is so much sorrow, pain, and conflict across the Middle East. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask You to turn their minds and hearts toward peace. Online prayer modified by Valerie. Laughing dove in Gaza; photo by براء حبوش Baraa Haboush on Unsplash. ============================================== ============================================== After summer's fling, plants ready to head indoors; photos by Valerie Miller. ============================================== In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Rainbow in England on way to landing at London Heathrow airport; photo by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/our-church-services.html#emaillist ============================================== Wednesday October 9 @ 7:00 PM Zoom MEDITATION & BLESSINGS With Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Ai Image from Freepik. ============================================== Thursday October 10 @ 7:30 PM Zoom MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meetup Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski Group Readings Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday, October 10 at 7:30 pm on Zoom, we will be working with giving readings for a group. Let us build up our confidence to give messages to several people in a group. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send written permission from a parent before the class. Please email Frank by 2 pm on Thursday to let him know if you are coming: [email protected] ••• The cost for this class is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, please email Frank at the address above. Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Photo by Antenna on Unpsplash. ============================================== Saturday October 12 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM NOTE: This service was changed from Zoom @ 12 PM noon to Hybrid at 10:30 AM. Our hybrid church service starts at 10:30 AM. 10:30 AM: Get to know us/Zoom chat room opens. 10:45 AM: Worship Service begins. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski We welcome you to join our in-person service at the UUFSB building, where we have been meeting since January 2018: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, Religious Education Wing, 380 Nicolls Rd., East Setauket, NY 11733. For those joining us for the first time please see the directions on our website page 'HOW to REACH US': https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/how-to-reach-us.html Summerland Covid protocol: UUFSB has provided room air filters, which will be used during service. No vaccinations required, masks are optional. You may bring your own hand sanitizing gel or wipes, if you choose. Personal beverages allowed. • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online and hybrid church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are meeting less often in person so we have less opportunity to collect donations in person to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Monday October 14 Indigenous People's Day / Columbus Day Copper falcon from the Mound City Group site of the Hopewell culture, Ohio. Public Domain (National Park Service) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts_of_the_Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas https://www.nps.gov/media/article-search.htm#sort=score+desc&q=Native+American ============================================== Tuesday October 15 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM Directed by Rev. Frank Kotowski Hi, everyone. The next Tuesday night in-person Mediumship Development Meetup at UUFSB in East Setauket will be on October 15, from 7 to 9 pm. We will work with exercises with partners and with the entire group. If you would like to join us, please email our church at [email protected] If you are younger than 18 years of age, I need permission from a parent beforehand. Rev. Frank Kotowski [email protected] The cost of this class is $12.00. You can pay on our website at the link directly below, or pay at class. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash. ============================================== Previously ============================================== During a discussion after a recent service, there was a request to offer suggestions for reading material that would help someone uplift their spirit or resonate with their heart vibration. We are collecting ideas and will provide a list in a forthcoming newsletter. ============================================== Looking Ahead ============================================== Every Wednesday MEDITATION & BLESSINGS at 7:00 PM Zoom Every Thursday MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT at 7:30 PM Zoom ============ Saturday October 19 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service NOTE: This service was changed from Hybrid @ 10:30 AM to Zoom only at 12 noon. ============ Monday October 21 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Tuesday October 22 Zoom MEDITATION & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM Re-scheduled from Oct. 8 ============ Saturday October 26 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon ============ Saturday November 2 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday November 5 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 9 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service ============================================== An event you may be interested in attending... ============================================== The Long Island Council of Churches is having a Gala on Thursday, October 24 as a fundraiser (dinner and dance and raffle) to raise money for the LICC food pantry in Freeport and other community needs. Rev. Frank Kotowski is a member of the LICC. See the link below for more information and email our church also for any questions. https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/983a0b31-521d-413b-a706-9078d3a094de ============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New! SCOL has started up a Writers Club on Zoom which will meet on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. The next meetings will be on October 21 and November 18. This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] ======================= In-Person Mediumship Class directed by the Rev. Frank Kotowski meets most often on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7-9 PM at UUFSB in East Setauket. The next classes will be on October 15 and November 5. This class is open to everyone, but it would help if you had some experience in intuitive and mediumistic work. The cost for this Meetup is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, email our church and Rev. Frank will get back to you to discuss this. ======================= "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank.If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. The next classes will be on October 22 and November 12 . For more information see poster here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ======================= Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on October 12, November 2 and 16. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Michael D. Bob J., Camille and Chrissy Helena, Bethany and Jon Beverly M. Betty G. Lisa R. Don B. Scott B. Dessie M. Mark in PA. Sam Andrea Sabrina John Janet Margarita Kathy D. Lynette G. Beverly M. Jennifer and Mom F. Raymond F. (transitioned) Loralei S. Gerry G. Zoe and Zachariah W. Karen R. and family Carole M. and Stewart S. Patricia S. John G. and Suzanne W. Ebony and family Eileen T. and family Chloe F. Faith F. Marie R. Darrah D. Adele S. Evelyn H. Medhat S. Katy Rose C. Alex S. Manal S. Julia S. Karen S. Janet S. ======================= Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. Prayers for all those who are affected by recent and on-going wars. ======================= Prayer for the Middle East Creator, you are our Provider and Healer. We pray that Your timely help and support reach all who are in need. There is so much sorrow, pain, and conflict across the Middle East. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask You to turn their minds and hearts toward peace. Online prayer modified by Valerie. Laughing dove in Gaza; photo by براء حبوش Baraa Haboush on Unsplash. ============================================== ============================================== Colorful pumpkins at Stop ‘n Shop; photo by Valerie Miller. ============================================== In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Postcard from majestic Santorini; photo by Valerie Miller. © Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/our-church-services.html#emaillist ============================================== Wednesday October 2 Annular Solar Eclipse - New Moon in Libra 2:49 EDT This New Moon brings fresh and creative energy into our lives, and more specifically, into our relationships. This is a cycle in which balancing our close personal relationships becomes an urgent desire. Negotiations may be especially effective, as we are inclined to assert our needs in ways that don’t offend others. A Mars-Saturn trine can help us see the value of pacing ourselves and keeping our feet on the ground. Libra’s ruler, Venus, also harmonizes with Mars and Saturn. As a Solar Eclipse, this New Moon packs more punch! (Note: Eclipse will only be visble in South America.) It’s the fifth eclipse in a set of six occurring along the Aries-Libra axis from April 20th, 2023, to March 29, 2025. More to read at: https://cafeastrology.com/events/new-moon-solar-eclipse-on-october-2-2024/ ============================================== Wednesday October 2 @ 7:00 PM Zoom MEDITATION & BLESSINGS With Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Mindful Beagle Ai Image from Freepik. ============================ Wednesday October 2 Rosh Hashana Shana Tova; Prayers for all things good. The Jewish New Year begins at sundown and ends at nightfall on Friday, October 4 . https://www.chabad.org/ ============================================== Thursday October 3 @ 7:30 PM Zoom MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Meetup Directed by Suzanne Garrison-Terry Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday, October 3 at 7:30 pm on Zoom, Su Garrison-Terry will be directing the class. This is her description of the class for this evening: Title: “See You In My Dreams" Content: Spirits often come to us in our dreams. How do you deal with that? How do you tell if it is a dream or communication? How do you know the difference? How do you initiate dream mediumship? How do you set boundaries? Preparation: Recall a dream in which a spirit has appeared or communicated with you. Class: I will talk about dream mediumship. We will share a few dreams and discuss them. THere will be some who have never had the experience and will give advice and guidelines. We will follow with a breakout session about inviting specific spirits to make contact and discuss. Group discussion and closing Message Circle. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you are less than 18 years of age, you must send written permission from a parent before the class. ••• Please contact Suzanne before Thursday, 2 pm to let her know you are coming: [email protected] ••• The cost for this class is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup f this amount is not within your budget, please email Frank at [email protected] It is a pleasure to work with you. Frank Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash. ============================================== Friday October 4 World Animal Day, Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Animal_Day ============================================== Saturday October 5 Zoom Church SERVICE @ 12 PM noon This service was changed from Hybrid @ 10:30 AM to Zoom only at 12 noon. NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Suzanne Garrison-Terry & others • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online and hybrid church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are meeting less often in person so we have less opportunity to collect donations in person to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Previously ============================================== During a discussion after a recent service, there was a request to offer suggestions for reading material that would help someone uplift their spirit or resonate with their heart vibration. We are collecting ideas and will provide a list in a forthcoming newsletter. ============================================== Looking Ahead ============================================== Every Wednesday MEDITATION & BLESSINGS at 7:00 PM Zoom Every Thursday MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT at 7:30 PM Zoom ============ Saturday October 12 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM NOTE: This service was changed from Zoom @ 12 PM noon to Hybrid at 10:30 AM. ============ Tuesday October 15 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday October 19 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service NOTE: This service was changed from Hybrid @ 10:30 AM to Zoom only at 12 noon. ============ Monday October 21 Zoom New! WRITERS CLUB @ 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Tuesday October 22 Zoom MEDITATION & MESSAGES @ 7:00 PM Re-scheduled from Oct. 8 ============ Saturday October 26 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon ============ Saturday November 2 Hybrid SERVICE at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday November 5 In-Person MEDIUMSHIP CLASS at UUFSB 7:00-9:00 PM ============ Saturday November 9 Zoom SERVICE @ 12:00 PM noon MESSAGE CIRCLE after service ============================================= An event you may be interested in attending... ============================================== The Long Island Council of Churches is having a Gala on Thursday, October 24 as a fundraiser (dinner and dance and raffle) to raise money for the LICC food pantry in Freeport and other community needs. Rev. Frank Kotowski is a member of the LICC. See the link below for more information and email our church also for any questions. https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/983a0b31-521d-413b-a706-9078d3a094de ============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New! SCOL has started up a Writers Club on Zoom which will meet on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 pm. The next meetings will be on October 21 and November 18. This Writing Club is for SCOL members and anyone interested in writing to share their short creative works (poetry, essays, short stories, inspirational pieces) with others in a friendly and supportive environment. Only positive suggestions shared. We are asking for a lifetime membership fee of $25 and a class fee of $5.00. You can pay by check or on our church website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#WritersClub No vulgarity or political (us versus them) commentary. Please email our church if you are interested. [email protected] ======================= In-Person Mediumship Class directed by the Rev. Frank Kotowski meets most often on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7-9 PM at UUFSB in East Setauket. The next classes will be on October 15 and November 5. This class is open to everyone, but it would help if you had some experience in intuitive and mediumistic work. The cost for this Meetup is $12.00. Please pay on our website at this link: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup If this amount is not within your budget, email our church and Rev. Frank will get back to you to discuss this. ======================= "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank.If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. The next classes will be on October 22 (re-scheduled from October 8) and November 12. For more information see poster here: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#Meditation&Messages ======================= Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on October 12 and November 2. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Michael D. Bob J., Camille and Chrissy Helena, Bethany and Jon Beverly M. Betty G. Lisa R. Don B. Scott B. Dessie M. Mark in PA. Sam Andrea Sabrina John Janet Margarita Kathy D. Lynette G. Beverly M. Jennifer and Mom F. Raymond F. (transitioned) Loralei S. Gerry G. Zoe and Zachariah W. Karen R. and family Carole M. and Stewart S. Patricia S. John G. and Suzanne W. Ebony and family Eileen T. and family Chloe F. Faith F. Marie R. Darrah D. Adele S. Evelyn H. Medhat S. Katy Rose C. Alex S. Manal S. Julia S. Karen S. Janet S. ======================= Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. Prayers for all those who are affected by recent and on-going wars. ======================= Prayer for the Middle East Creator, you are our Provider and Healer. We pray that Your timely help and support reach all who are in need. There is so much sorrow, pain, and conflict across the Middle East. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask You to turn their minds and hearts toward peace. Online prayer modified by Valerie. Laughing dove in Gaza; photo by براء حبوش Baraa Haboush on Unsplash. ============================================== ============================================== Cute pic showing Pastor Frank and the Summerland web mistress shopping in Santorini; photo by Valerie Miller. ============================================== In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025