Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. ==============================================
Soon Spring will arrive! Mother Nature will waken!
Wednesday February 24 @ 7:00 PM Zoom Meditation with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings emailings please add your name to the list here:
Sunday March 1 Zero Discrimination Day
Tuesday March 3 World Wildlife Day
“Forests and livelihoods: sustaining people and
planet” announced as theme of World Wildlife Day 2021
=Fox Cottage. Only the foundation remains.
Celebration of the Advent of Modern American Spiritualism During this special 12-hour celebration of Spiritualism’s heritage, we plan to highlight individuals and organizations of Spiritualism throughout the world. We will honor the Fox Family and show that Spiritualism and communication by means of Mediumship is still needed, loved, and inspiring hope and healing today. All events of the day will be free except for a special fundraiser at 7:30 pm ET, the Virtual Victorian Séance, where the cost is $48 in honor of 1848. Register and pay for this fundraiser at – search 1848 Victorian Séance. All the other events of the day are accessible for free via 1 single Zoom Meeting ID/Passcode which people will receive when they register using the link Free Events (*All times are ET USA) 10:00 am – Opening Ceremony 11:30 am – Church Service Virtual & Live from the Fox Cottage Memorial 1:30 pm – Tour & History - Live from the Fox Cottage 3:00 pm – Hydesville Sets the Stage – A Playful Historical Play 4:30 pm – Presentation on the Fox Sis-ters’ School House Renovations 6:00 pm – Virtual Spirit Art Gallery Tour 7:30 pm – Virtual Victorian Séance* only cost-associated event 9:15 pm – Closing Ceremony. See the first PDF below for additional fundraising. ==============================================
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. ==============================================
Crazy Weather around the World....
Count your blessings. Find your inner peace.
Wednesday February 17 @ 7:00 PM Zoom Meditation with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings emailings please add your name to the list here:
February 20: National Love Your Pet Day
Please note that annual church member dues for 2021
will soon be payable, with the final due date April 15. The amount is $40.00 for full membership. Please send a check to SCOL, P.O. Box 1297, Bay Shore, NY 11706 along with your name, current postal address and email address, OR you can pay on our website through PayPal:
We are THRILLED to remind everyone about our new
membership category: Associate Member. For people who live at a distance from our church or who cannot commit to being a regular church member of our church, we now have the category Associate Member. An Associate Member does not have voting rights and cannot be on our Board, but does receive discounts for many of our in-person workshops and events. As an Associate Member, you can be a member of another religious group. The annual dues are $25.00 and renewals are also due April 15. If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member, please click here for more information: Becoming an Associate Member
Tuesday March 16: Evening of Readings
@7—9 PM, Last reading begins 8:45 PM $15 for 15-minute reading Mediumistic readings, Lenormand card readings and more. Details to follow.
Saturday March 20
Rev. Richard Schoeller returns and will offer the Spiritual Address and Spirit Messages!
Thank you in advance. The blurb now gives the current
city in our mailing address, Bay Shore. Click here as a Search and click on the Select button! This will get you here.
Here is what you might see later (if you were Valerie):
Peace and harmony.
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. ==============================================
begins CHINESE NEW YEAR February 11 2:06 PM
Wednesday February 10 @ 7:00 PM Zoom Meditation with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings emailings please add your name to the list here:
Thursday February 11 @ 2:06 PM Chinese New Year & New Moon
The Year of the Ox 2021 is a holding pattern. Keep
calm and carry on as best you can in 2021, but hold off on major moves if you're able. Essentially, preserve your energy and your spirit. Hard work, duty, discipline—that’s the ox. The theme of 2021's lunar year will be "build, build, build," following through on whatever projects you began in last year.
Sunday February 14 Valentine's Day May you be loved and cherished in this plane and the next
More on Chinese New Year of the Ox Stick to routines, and shy away from wild new methods and ideas. it as a time to take care of yourself and stay drama-free. Get excited for the Year of the Tiger in 2022. This year, no explosive or catastrophic events will occur, so it is a favorable year for economic recovery or consolidation. Ox personality traits are steady, patient, and hard working. Ox is a builder, making this Ox year an ideal time to finish projects, especially home improvements. Want a big life change? Start making plans now, and maintain steady focus towards your goals throughout the year. Save sweeping change for next year Water Tiger 2022, the time to follow your instincts and pounce on new opportunities.
Summerland Healing List Please pray for Alyssa, Kristin G.'s daughter Susie S. We pray for all, especially those in need. We pray for the homeless, especially in this weather, as well as all homeless animals. Many blessings to you.
We usually do not set the last names of individuals
in social media, only at church in-person services. ==============================================
The Reverend Frank Kotowski
Welcome Summerland's newest Ordained Minister, Rev. Frank Kotowski! The Rite of Ordination was held via Zoom last Friday night, officiated by Rev. Christine Krithades, President of the NSAC. You have been our pastor and leader for years, Frank, and this honored bestowing crystallizes everything you have worked for! Congratulations!
Thank you to all who attended and all who were there
in spirit! Your energy contributed to this special ceremony to honor Frank and his accomplishments. We had attendees from North, South, East, and West, and family, and friends old and new. Not to mention felines and canines! The blessings from Spirit extending over all were evident. Much gratitude to Christine for officiating and Stacy for being the Zoom operator! Frank was energized and humbled by the meaningful ceremony and is eager to proceed with his ministry under guidance from Infinite Intelligence. Blessings to all at this special occasion!
Peace and harmony. Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. ==============================================
Long Island’s two longest existing weather-forecasting woodchucks,
Holtsville Hal and Malverne Mel, did not see their shadow on Groundhog Day, meaning spring-like weather will start early, according to lore., for Long Islanders! A newer LI groundhog, Quigley from Quogue, also did not see his shadow. Punxsutawney Phil from Pennsylvania DID see his shadow, so PA will suffer a longer winter.
Sunday February 7 Three-Bowl Day KITTEN BOWL VIII @ 2 PM Hallmark Channel
PUPPY BOWL XVII @ 2—5 PM Animal Planet
THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AT OUR MIDWINTER—IMBOLC—GROUNDHOG-DAY CELEBRATION LAST NIGHT! The rest of you missed a great party! We sang songs, played word games & tried on Zoom filter hats and animal faces. In other words, we acted like kids at a birthday party (but no cake)!
This word game has us stumped!
Thank you Gloria for telling us about the Zoom filters!
Thank you Lindy for taking the first picture above! Congratulations Camille for winning the game prize! And thanks as always to Frank for setting up the online slides, games, and music!
Peace and harmony. Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025