Osprey landing at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum. Photos by Valerie Miller.
Thursday May 5 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup No class this Thursday. Hope to see you next week!. ~ Reverend Frank Saturday May 7 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM ET Note that our in-person/hybrid church service today needs to start promptly at 10:30 AM. The Zoom meeting room will open at 10:15 AM for chat. Thank you. Zoom attendees information below.
Saturday May 8 Happy Mother's Day
=============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Saturday May 14 Message Circle directly after service --- Sunday, May 15 In-Person & Live-stream Community gathering hosted by the Selden Masjid @ 3:00-5:00 PM The Three Village Interfaith Clergy Association, of which Rev. Frank is a participant, and the Selden Masjid invite you to come and learn more about Islam and Ramadan, meet others in our community, and enjoy the hospitality of the people from the Masjid. Further information coming soon! Selden Masjid, 10 Park Hill Rd in Selden. NY 11784. --- Sunday May 22 (Rain date May 29) Outing to Bayard Cutting Arboretum 10:00 AM PayPal donation button: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#BayardHealing --- Saturday May 28 Zoom Service with Guest Rev. Alva Fokes serving our church Board Meeting after service --- Saturday June 4 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Sunday June 5 Zoom Rev. Frank serving Albertson Spiritualist Church --- Saturday June 18 Zoom Guest Rev. Gen Mancini serving our church --- Saturday June 25 Zoom Guest Rev. Bonnie Crosier serving our church
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: www.serrv.org/?a=SCOL Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the orange banner (below) is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! More photos of the Bayard Cutting Arboretum on a recent visit. In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Thursday April 28 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup Online Thursday:
Friday April 29 Arbor Day 150 Anniversary image from: https://www.arborday.org/ Arbor Day image created by freepik at www freepik com Saturday April 30 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM Noon ET NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others Board Meeting after Service! • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, April 30 Noon 12:00 PM ET US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtceqoqDgtHtQdrII0MSQ32GzuRqghxJsP > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
=============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Saturday May 7 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Saturday May 14 Message Circle directly after service --- Sunday May 15 Outing to Bayard Cutting Arboretum Rain date May 22 --- Saturday May 28 Zoom Service with Guest Rev. Alva Fokes serving our church Board Meeting after service --- Saturday June 4 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Sunday June 5 Rev. Frank serving Albertson Spiritualist Church in-person --- Saturday June 18 Guest Rev. Gen Mancini serving our church --- Saturday June 25 Guest Rev. Bonnie Crosier will be serving our church
=============================================== Previously =============================================== Cherished feathered and furry family members made an appearance after a past service. Taco with Camille (L) and Prince with Suzanne (R). It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: www.serrv.org/?a=SCOL Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the orange banner (below) is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Thursday April 21 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Thursday April 26 @ 7:30 PM ET In-Person Mediumship Development Group Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup Online Thursday: Working"in the Dark" Hi, everyone. This Thursday night, April 21, at 7:30 pm on Zoom, we will be working “in the dark” in our exercises. I’m asking you to have with you for this class a blindfold of some sort so you can shut off your physical vision. I will put the students in rooms as before but the medium will be blindfolded and will not know who he or she is reading for. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, April 21, @ 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItfu6gqTstHtadGcr2NB3e2NWp_CBkqQzR > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call In-Person Tuesday, April 26: Topic to be announced. Note: The in-person Mediumship class on Tuesdays will be held twice a month for now. We will meet on the second and forth weeks of the month. April dates: 12th and 26th Friday April 22 Earth Day Test your knowledge with quizzes from EARTHDAY.ORG! Biodiversity, climate change, plastic pollution, deforestation, clean energy and more. A better future starts with education!: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-quizzes/ Saturday April 23 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM Noon ET NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: To be announced Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, April 23 Noon 12:00 PM ET US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucemtpjIuGtzLcv8IFXqBMWTTYhhLwv_b > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ----- After service at 1:45 PM Discussion Circle: Beauty Donation $5. See poster for more information. Same zoom link as church service above. PayPal Discussion Circle donation button: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#DiscussionCircle
=============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Sunday May 1 Zoom Rev. Frank will be serving at the First Spiritualist Church of Austin --- Saturday May 7 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Sunday May 15 Outing to Bayard Cutting Arboretum Rain date is May 22 --- Saturday May 28 Zoom Service with Rev. Alva Fokes serving our church Board Meeting after service
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: www.serrv.org/?a=SCOL Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the orange banner (below) is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Thursday April 14 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#MedDevGroup Online Thursday:
Friday April 15 Passover begins at sundown Saturday April 16 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM Noon ET NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Valerie Miller Meditation: Camille Johnson Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, April 16 @ Noon 12:00 PM ET US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlf-6vrjwvH9VsycAi6tazJVpXQhQWkmUZ > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ----- Saturday April 16 Zoom Workshop-Talk on Ghost Investigation with Joe Giaquinto @ 2--3:30 PM ET Q & A at end. $15./person See poster for more information. • You will need to register and prepay in advance for this event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpd-CvqD0iGdKtfGBMMJMaE__T3pVnsqIc •• After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting. Please prepay on our church website (PayPal), $15. There is a PayPal button for this workshop: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#GhostInvestigation Saturday April 16 Full Pink Moon in Libra 2:55PM ET
Sunday April 17 Easter Sunday
=============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Saturday April 23 Zoom Discussion Circle: Beauty After service at 1:45 PM Donation $5. See poster for more information Zoom registration link (same link as Church Service): https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucemtpjIuGtzLcv8IFXqBMWTTYhhLwv_b PayPal Discussion Circle donation button: https://www.summerlandchurchoflight.org/payments--donations.html#DiscussionCircle ---- Sunday May 1 Zoom Rev. Frank will be serving at the First Spiritualist Church of Austin --- Saturday May 7 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Sunday May 15 Outing to Bayard Cutting Arboretum Rain date is May 22 --- Saturday May 28 Zoom Service with Rev. Alva Fokes serving our church Board Meeting after service
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERVV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: www.serrv.org/?a=SCOL Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the orange banner (below) is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you!
In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Daffodils and Hyacinths on the walkway to front door at UUFSB. Photos by Valerie Miller
Sunday April 10 Zoom Service @11:00 AM ET Join Rev. Frank at the Eternal Hope Spiritualist Center in Cobourg, Ontario. Frank will be participating in the Divine Service, offering the Spiritual Address and some Spirit Messages. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2022111975?pwd=T3A1bFdRdzZHNjdacEwwbTk4TXRoZz09 Meeting ID: 202 211 1975 Passcode: Hope Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 202 211 1975 Passcode: 349828 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdPtJPoSg5
---- Saturday April 23 Zoom Service and Discussion Circle: Beauty ---- Sunday May 1 Zoom Rev. Frank will be serving at the First Spiritualist Church of Austin --- Saturday May 7 In-Person Service @ 10:30 AM --- Sunday May 15 Outing to Bayard Cutting Arboretum Rain date is May 22 --- Saturday May 21 Zoom Service with Rev. Bonnie Crosier serving our church --- Saturday May 28 Zoom Service with Rev. Alva Fokes serving our church Board Meeting after service
================================================== Spiritual Healing Requests ================================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God. Terry Ilse (transitioned) Robert Joe O. Eve N. Edmund T. Fawn Dolores Ukraine Dennis S. (transitioned) Joey S. (transitioned) The Bryant Family Patrick D. (transitioned) Lynette H. G. Mike (transitioned), T and family A. Salgine & family It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
October 2024