Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
Wednesday December 1 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday December 2 @ 7:30 PM Zoom
Tuesday December 7 @ 7:30 PM In-person* Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $6.00. Please pay on our website: • A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm on the day of class if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call
•• Online THURSDAY: Working with the Real Magic of the Holiday Season •••
For the Mediumship Meetup on Thursday, December 2, at 7:30 pm on Zoom we will be working with the real magic of the holiday season. Let us connect to the special energies of the holiday season and the end of the year as we give messages of hope and inspiration from our loved ones in spirit and tell them how grateful we are for their continued presence. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, December 2, @ 07:30 PM EST US and Canada Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. * Please note: The IN-PERSON Mediumship Development Meetup classes on Tuesdays are suspended for the month of December.
Saturday December 4 In-Person Service
@ 10:30 AM EST See Zoom link below if you are attending via live stream. Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Valerie Miller Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski and others Greeter: Louella Blaner
We are excited that we will be returning to UUFSB for an in-person church service on December 4.
The last time we had an in-person service here was in March 2020. Attached below are the "Covid-19 Protocols for Building Use" and "Covid-19 Health Screening Form for Groups." Please read both documents carefully. If you come to our in-person service, you will be greeted by a church greeter, who will ask you to add your name and phone number to the health screening form. You must wear a face mask at all times inside the building. We will have extra face masks and hand sanitizer available. We will be playing two songs or hymns during but no singing will be allowed. There will not be hands-on healing. The healers will direct their healing to those present in the room. Please let us know if you plan to attend the service in person on December 4 so we can an idea of how many chairs we need to put out in advance. [email protected] The chairs will be spaced apart, the windows will be opened slightly for air circulation, and there will be hand sanitizer available. Please help us to make our in-person services as wonderful as before as we carefully move toward in-person services and events at our church space. ~ The Board of Summerland Church covid-19_protocols_for_building_use-8-5-21.docx covid-19-health_screening_form_for_groups.doc
• Zoom Stream Church Service
!! Please note the time will be the same as in-person @ 10:30 AM EST (not 12 PM noon) • • To receive the Meeting ID and Passcode send us an email by Friday night at the latest.
Thank you !!
We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'.
Sunday December 5
@ 9:00 AM EST (10 AM CST) Join the service at the First Spiritualist Church of Austin where Rev. Frank will be offering the online Service and Spirit Greetings again. Here's the link from the First Spiritualist Church of Austin: You will need to be admitted from the waiting room, we appreciate your patience
Monday December 6
St. Nicholas Day
Who is St Nicolas? :
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday December 11 Message Circle directly after service ================================================== Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our
community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
Wednesday November 24 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday November 25
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday November 25 @ 7:30 PM Zoom (No class)
Tuesday November 30 @ 7:30 PM In-person Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • We ask for $10 for each class, or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10. You can prepay on our church website donation page or pay by cash or check for the class on Tuesday . • A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know if you are coming by sending an email, text message, or phone call by 2 pm on the day of class.
•• Online THURSDAY Nov. 25: Happy Thanksgiving. See you next week, December 2. •••
••• In-person TUESDAY Nov. 30: What Do Those in Spirit Want to Be Remembered For? •••
For the in-person Mediumship Class on Tuesday, Nov. 30, we will work on exercises to connect to those in spirit and ask them what they want to be most remembered for. Let us connect to those in spirit in a deeper way so they are able to express what they perhaps have truly never expressed fully. The in-person Mediumship Class begins at 7:30 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook (UUFSB) in East Setauket so try to arrive by 7:15 pm. You need to wear a mask for this class. Please let me know if you are coming for the first time: This class meets at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook in Setauket, 380 Nichols Rd, in rooms 3 and 4 of their Religious Education wing. The class is open to all levels of abilities and experience. You will need to wear a face mask and sign in with your name, email address, and phone number at class. Please contact Frank if you are coming for the first time. (see email & phone at top of post)
Friday Nov 26
Black Friday
Please remember Summerland when bargain hunting on Amazon. We are listed as a charity on Amazon Smile.
Type in 'National Spiritualist Association of Churches - Bay Shore' in the charity search window. Thanks to all who participate, we appreciate your support!
Saturday November 27 Service
@ Noon 12:00 PM EST. NOTE Opening Time--12:00 PM: Room Open For Verbal Chat Among Participants, All Unmuted. 12:15 PM: Start Of Service, All Are Muted. Please Be On Time. Thanks! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Debbie Losee Spiritual Address: Su Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski and others Board Meeting after service, please join us! • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, November 27, 12:00 PM Noon EST US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thank you !!
We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'.
Saturday November 27
International Aura Awareness Day
Sunday November 28
Hanukkah and Advent begin
Tuesday November 30
Giving Tuesday
GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
Join the movement and give – each Tuesday and every day – whether it’s some of your time, a donation, or the power of your voice in your local community. It’s a simple idea: whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday December 4 First In-Person Service since March 14, 2020 Once a month we will be holding in-person services at UUFSB in East Setauket.
We are excited that we will be returning to UUFSB for an in-person church service on December 4.
The last time we had an in-person service here was in March 2020. Attached below are the "Covid-19 Protocols for Building Use" and "Covid-19 Health Screening Form for Groups." Please read both documents carefully. If you come to our in-person service, you will be greeted by a church greeter, who will ask you to add your name and phone number to the health screening form. You must wear a face mask at all times inside the building. We will have extra face masks and hand sanitizer available. We will be playing two songs or hymns during but no singing will be allowed. There will not be hands-on healing. The healers will direct their healing to those present in the room. Please let us know if you plan to attend the service in person on December 4 so we can an idea of how many chairs we need to put out in advance. [email protected] The chairs will be spaced apart, the windows will be opened slightly for air circulation, and there will be hand sanitizer available. Please help us to make our in-person services as wonderful as before as we carefully move toward in-person services and events at our church space. ~ The Board of Summerland Church covid-19_protocols_for_building_use-8-5-21.docx covid-19-health_screening_form_for_groups.doc
Saturday December 11 Message Circle directly after service
Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
PREVIOUSLY ================================================== We would like to thank the Revs. Stacy Kopchinski Schuerman and Lelia Cutler for separately serving our church the previous two services and offering workshops. Their Spiritual Addresses were inspirational, their message work was evidential, and their workshops on Inspirational Writing and Spirit Guides were perfectly presented.
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
A Jam Packed Week Ahead!
Meditation with Debbie on Wednesday Mediumship meetup with Frank on Thursday Service with guest Rev. Lelia Cutler on Saturday Workshop with Rev. Lelia Cutler also on Saturday Afternoon of Healings & Readings event on Sunday
Wednesday November 17 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday November 18@ 7:30 PM Zoom
Tuesday November 23 @ 7:30 PM In-person (NO CLASS) Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • We ask for $10 for each class, or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10. You can prepay on our church website donation page or pay by cash or check for the class on Tuesday . • A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know if you are coming by sending an email, text message, or phone call by 2 pm on the day of class.
•• Online THURSDAY Nov. 18: PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE •••
For the Mediumship Development Meetup on Thursday, Nov. 18, we will work with exercises to bring evidence of past, present, and future events in our readings from those in spirit and to our fellow students. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, November 18, @ 07:30 PM EST US and Canada Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
••• In-person TUESDAY Nov. 23: - NO CLASS ON TUESDAY - Next class Nov.30 •••
Rev. Frank will be participating in the Community Interfaith Thanksgiving service at UUFSB on
Tuesday, Nov 23 at 7:00 PM. Scroll down for more information.
This class meets at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook in Setauket, 380 Nichols Rd, in rooms 3 and 4 of their Religious Education wing. The class is open to all levels of abilities and experience. You will need to wear a face mask and sign in with your name, email address, and phone number at class. Please contact Frank if you are coming for the first time. (see email & phone above)
Saturday November 20 Service
with Guest Rev. Lelia E. Cutler @ Noon 12:00 PM EST Rev. Cutler will offer sermon and spirit messages at service and offer workshop after service. NOTE Opening Time--12:00 PM: Room Open For Verbal Chat Among Participants, All Unmuted. 12:15 PM: Start Of Service, All Are Muted. Please Be On Time. Thanks! Presider: Kristin Giannetto Meditation: Valerie Miller Spiritual Address: Rev. Lelia Cutler Spirit Messages: Rev. Lelia Cutler • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, November 20, 12:00 PM Noon EST US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. --- Saturday November 20 Workshop Spirit Guides with Rev. Lelia Cutler @ 2:00 PM EST Workshop fee: $20 See poster for more information. • You will need to register and prepay in advance for this event: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting. • Please prepay on our church website (PayPal), $20. There is a PayPal button for this workshop:
Sunday November 21
Afternoon of Healings & Readings @ 12 PM noon --3 PM (Last healing or reading begins at 2:55 PM) Still $15 for 15-minute healings and readings. Thank you for your support! Updated list of gifted Healers and Readers Rev. Frank Kotowski: Psychic snd mediumistic messages Su Garrison-Terry: Lenormand card readings Debbie Losee: Reiki healing Tara Penske: Mediumistic and intuitive readings Renee: Intuitive reading (available from 2:00-3:00) • Reserve a spot: Send a message to Valerie at [email protected] Time slots are 12:00, 12:25, 12:50, 1:15, 1:40, 2:05, 2:30, 2:55 (15-minute readings + 10-min break). Give preferred times and the reader you want. Multiple readings can be scheduled. •• Payment: PayPal Or send a check to SCOL, P.O. Box 1297, Bay Shore, NY 11706 ••• Confirmation: A Zoom link will be sent after arrangements and payments made. Check in 5 minutes before scheduled time, please!
Tuesday, November 23 @ 7:00 PM
2021 Annual Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service This year's theme is “Gratitude for Life: Mine, Yours, Ours”.
The Three Village Interfaith Clergy Association is an association of clergy from various faiths that are represented in the Three Village area of Long Island. They will present via live-stream a multi-participant service.
We are pleased to tell you that our Reverend Frank will be contributing, offering a "thanks giving". The service will be produced live and streamed to YouTube from the sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, the host congregation. For more information go to: Please go to for the YouTube link.
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday December 4 First In-Person Service since March 14, 2020 Once a month we will be holding in-person services at UUFSB in East Setauket.
Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our
community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
High tide rises in intensity as the midnight LUNAR ECLIPSE brings transparency
We begin this week, November 14th through November 20th, with Moon shifting into Aries, which ignites our desire to take action and to move our ideas into motion. We will find that many people are spurred to take action from waiting too long and the intensity begins to be felt as many run to catch up to what is now being behind schedule. Monday and Tuesday come into view as situations are power packed with this fast-moving Aries energy. Wednesday Mars creates an opposition to the Uranus winds of change, which sees situations change all around us. For people basing their sense of balance on the outside events, situations will seem to be whirling and people will also seem to be in a similar chaotic state. As the almost Full Moon rises Thursday evening, the high tide of events and the winds blowing situations about, the level of intensity mirrors the importance of the midnight LUNAR ECLIPSE that is providing a critical perspective. More to read at: ----------- And if you like scientific details...
The Beaver Moon lunar eclipse on Nov. 19 will be the longest of the century. Here are its stages explained.
The next eclipse of the moon will greet early risers before dawn on Friday morning (Nov. 19) across North America. It will be the second lunar eclipse of 2021 and, in some ways, will be similar to the last one on May 26. Most North Americans will again need to get up early and look low in the west toward daybreak. And again, the farther west you are the better, as the moon will appear much higher from the western part of the continent as opposed to locations farther to the east. It will also be the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years, lasting about 3 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds, and also the longest this century.
November’s Leonid meteor shower is known for periodic storms of historic proportions, when shooting stars fall like rain. While no storm is predicted for the 2021 Leonids, you can still catch plenty of meteors from November 6 to 30. The meteor shower peaks the morning of November 17.
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary
Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
Wednesday November 10 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday November 11
Veteran's Day
Thursday November 11@ 7:30 PM Zoom
Tuesday November 16 @ 7:30 PM In-person Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! •• Online THURSDAY Nov. 11: INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION •••
Hi, everyone. On Thursday, November 11, Su Garrison-Terry will be leading the Mediumship Development Meetup. This is her description for this Meetup:
Many of our friends, family, and loved ones who have passed have lived or came from distant shores. In tonight's exercises, we will ask spirits to give us a vision of their foreign homes. While spirits can communicate to us in English, I am asking tonight for them to say a pet name or word in their native language, the word must be known to you. The purpose of tonight's session is to completely trust in what you receive even if it sounds like nonsense. • Contact Su Garrison-Terry by email before 2 pm on Thursday if you are coming. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, November 11, @ 07:30 PM EST US and Canada Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ••• In-person TUESDAY Nov. 16: BRINGING JOY to OTHERS •••
For the in-person Mediumship class on Tuesday, Nov. 16, we will work with exercises to bring joy to our spirit communicators and sitters. Let us raise the vibration for the closing weeks of this year so we end this year on a positive note, looking forward to next year.
This class meets at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook in Setauket, 380 Nichols Rd, in rooms 3 and 4 of their Religious Education wing. The class is open to all levels of abilities and experience. You will need to wear a face mask and sign in with your name, email address, and phone number at class. Please contact me if you are coming for the first time. (see email & phone below) We ask for $10 for each class, or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10. You can prepay on our church website donation page (link below) or pay in person for the class on Tuesday. • A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know if you are coming by sending an email, text message, or phone call by 2 pm on the day of class.
Saturday November 13 Service
with Guest Rev. Stacy Schuerman Kopchinski @ Noon 12:00 PM EST Rev. Kopchinski will offer sermon and spirit messages at service and offer workshop after service. NOTE Opening Time--12:00 PM: Room Open For Verbal Chat Among Participants, All Unmuted. 12:15 PM: Start Of Service, All Are Muted. Please Be On Time. Thanks! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Rev. Stacy Kopchinski Spirit Messages: Rev. Stacy Kopchinski • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, November 13, 12:00 PM Noon EST US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Saturday November 13 Workshop
Inspired, Automatic, and Independent Writing for Self and Spirit with Rev. Stacy Kopchinski @ 2:00 PM EST Workshop fee: $20 What you need for this workshop: Please bring pens, pencils, and writing paper. See poster for more information. • You will need to register and prepay in advance for this event: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting. • Please prepay on our church website (PayPal), $20. There is a PayPal button for this workshop:
Thank you !!
We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'.
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday November 20 Service with Guest Rev. Lelia E. Cutler @ 12:00 Noon PM EST Rev. Lelia Cutler will offer sermon and spirit messages at service and offer a workshop on Spirit Guides after the service. Spirit Guides Workshop @ 2 PM EST Workshop fee: $20 See poster for more information. • You will need to register and prepay in advance for this event: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting. • Please prepay on our church website:
Sunday November 21 Afternoon of Healings & Readings @ 12 PM noon --3 PM (Last healing or reading begins at 2:55 PM) Still $15 for 15-minute healings and readings. Thank you for your support! Current list of gifted Healers and Readers (More to come): Rev. Frank Kotowski: Psychic snd mediumistic messages Su Garrison-Terry: Lenormand card readings Debbie Losee: Reiki Healing • Reserve a spot: Send a message to Valerie at [email protected] Time slots are 12:00, 12:25, 12:50, 1:15, 1:40, 2:05, 2:30, 2:55 (15-minute readings + 10-min break). Give preferred times and the reader you want. Multiple readings can be scheduled. •• Payment: PayPal Or send a check to SCOL, P.O. Box 1297, Bay Shore, NY 11706 ••• Confirmation: A Zoom link will be sent after arrangements and payments made. Check in 5 minutes before scheduled time, please!
Saturday December 4 First In-Person Service since March 14, 2020 Once a month we will be holding in-person services at UUFSB in East Setauket. ================================================== Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
Last Saturday ==================================================
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our
community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
Thanks to all who participate in this program, and please sign up if you don’t. It adds up nicely.
Click here as a Search and click on the Select button! If using mobile app, turn AmazonSmile ON. What the search result window looks like for National Spiritualist Bay Shore. > Click the Select button. In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025