Egret at the Bayard Arboretum; photo by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: ---------------- Wednesday July 26 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash. ---------------- Thursday July 27 @ 7:30 PM Zoom Mediumship Development Meetup Enrichment of Friendships Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom we will be working with friendships: Who has been a true friend in our lives, in spirit and still living, and how have we benefited from the friendship? ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ••• Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: [email protected] If you would like to attend this Meetup and are younger than 18 years of age, Frank must receive permission from your parents or guardian in writing in an email prior to the Meetup. ••• The cost for this class is $10.00, or $6.00 if that is more affordable. Please pay on our website at this link: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Image above: Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash. ---------------- Saturday July 29 Zoom Service at 12 PM noon NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Valerie Miller Meditation: Camille Johnson Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. also today! : Saturday July 29 Zoom DISCOVERY CIRCLE on "What Is Public Health and Why Is It Important?" Time: 2:15 - 3:15 PM • Donation: $10. per person Directed by Kasey A. Ryman, MPH Kasey Ryman will be directing this informative and supportive Discovery Circle. Topics of conversation will include: • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ---------------- Tuesday August 1 Lammas, or Lughnasadh It's the dog days of summer, the gardens are full of goodies, the fields are full of grain, and the harvest is approaching. Take a moment to relax in the heat, and reflect on the upcoming abundance of the fall months. At Lammas it's time to begin reaping what we have sown throughout the past few months, and recognize that the bright summer days will soon come to an end. Image: Seated Figure of Summer by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1573. Public Domain. ============================================== Looking Ahead =============================================== Saturday August 5 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday August 8 Zoom Meditation & Messages @ 7:30 PM ET ============ Saturday August 12 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE ============ Saturday August 19 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Saturday August 26 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New class! "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:30 to 8:45 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Rev. Frank Kotowski. The next class will be on Tuesday, August 8. For more information see poster here: In-Person Mediumship Meetups on Tuesday: We have decided to suspend in-person mediumship classes at UUFSB until there is more interest for those wishing to attend. Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on August 5 and 19. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God. Christopher G. Doris K. Ron G. Sade T Hanahn Amy V Daziah Diane C. Joshua (transitioned) and mom Tracey Alisha M. Amy and daughter Alison Ann G. Simone M. Danielle S. Dorothy M. (transitioned) Ronn M. Stephanie S. and daughter Ryan David B. Michael D. Fran D. Linda & Larry B. Yvette O. Amy, Bill, Parker, and Jacob Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. ---------------- ---------------- Orange Daylily; photo by Valerie Miller. Did you know all parts of the Daylily are edible? Unlike members of the 'true lily' family which are poisonous, especially to cats!!! "It’s important to note that lilies are highly toxic to our feline friends. If you have cats, we do not recommend cutting lilies to bring inside, because even the pollen can cause tragic consequences." Daylilies: 'True lilies': Learn more about Plants That Are Toxic to Cats, Dogs, and Other Pets: ---------------- In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Did you spot them all? Photos by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: ---------------- Wednesday July 19 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash. ---------------- Thursday July 20 @ 7:30 PM Zoom Mediumship Development Meetup Secrets of Living a Fulfilling Life Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom we will be working with those in spirit to discover the secrets of living a fulfilling life. What can we intuit about living a fulfilling life and what can our loved ones in spirit tell us from their experiences? ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ••• Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: [email protected] If you would like to attend this Meetup and are younger than 18 years of age, Frank must receive permission from your parents or guardian in writing in an email prior to the Meetup. ••• The cost for this class is $10.00, or $6.00 if that is more affordable. Please pay on our website at this link: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash. ---------------- Saturday July 22 Zoom Service at 12 PM noon NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Debbie Losee Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ============================================== Looking Ahead =============================================== Saturday July 29 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon and Saturday July 29 Zoom DISCOVERY CIRCLE on "What Is Public Health and Why Is It Important?" Directed by Kasey A. Ryman, MPH Time: 2:15 PM Donation: $10. per person See poster for details, and visit our donations page for live links: • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ============ Saturday August 5 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday August 8 Zoom Meditation & Messages @ 7:30 PM ET ============ Saturday August 12 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE ============ Saturday August 19 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Saturday August 26 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET =============================================== Previously =============================================== We are grateful to everyone who made our HEALINGS and READINGS day event last Sunday successful!!! Thanks to those who participated and signed up for a reading!!! Special thanks to our gifted healers and readers!!! 💞🌻💞 =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New class! "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:30 to 8:45 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Rev. Frank Kotowski. The next class will be on Tuesday, August 8. For more information see poster here: In-Person Mediumship Meetups on Tuesday: We have decided to suspend in-person mediumship classes at UUFSB until there is more interest for those wishing to attend. Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on August 5 and 19. If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God. Christopher G. Doris K. Ron G. Sade T Hanahn Amy V Daziah Diane C. Joshua (transitioned) and mom Tracey Alisha M. Amy and daughter Alison Ann G. Simone M. Danielle S. Dorothy M. (transitioned) Ronn M. Stephanie S. and daughter Ryan David B. Michael D. Fran D. Linda & Larry B. Yvette O. Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. ---------------- ---------------- Dog Days of Summer! Dog days bright and clear Indicate a good year; But when accompanied by rain, We hope for better times in vain. ~ Henry Harrison Chase Dunwoody, Weather Proverbs, 1883 The “Dog Days” of summer last from July 3 to August 11. What are the Dog Days of Summer, exactly? What do they have to do with dogs? The ancient origins of this common phrase might surprise you. Enjoy this article from the Almanac about the meaning behind the Dog Days of Summer! Image: 'Pets in Summer ' garden flag by covido on Amazon. ---------------- In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Sunflower in Seaford; photo by Frank Kotowski. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: ---------------- Wednesday July 12 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash. ---------------- Thursday July 13 @ 7:30 PM Zoom Mediumship Development Meetup Getting Closer to Spirit and Those in Spirit Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom we will be working to get closer to Spirit (Infinite Intelligence, Source, God) and also get closer to our loved ones in spirit. Let us find ways to have a deeper relationship to Spirit and to those in spirit so that involvement with them is more intimate and satisfying. ••• Please email our church in advance for the Zoom link: [email protected] After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ••• Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: [email protected] If you would like to attend this Meetup and are younger than 18 years of age, Frank must receive permission from your parents or guardian in writing in an email prior to the Meetup. ••• The cost for this class is $10.00, or $6.00 if that is more affordable. Please pay on our website at this link: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash. ---------------- Saturday July 15 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM Our hybrid church service starts at 10:30 AM. 10:30 AM: Get to know us/Zoom chat room opens. 10:45 AM: Worship Service begins. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: T Vitanza-Salgine Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others We welcome you to join our in-person service at the UUFSB building, where we have been meeting since January 2018: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, Religious Education Wing, 380 Nicolls Rd., East Setauket, NY 11733. For those joining us for the first time please see the directions on our website page 'HOW to REACH US': Summerland Covid protocol: UUFSB has provided room air filters, which will be used during service. No vaccinations required, masks are optional. You may bring your own hand sanitizing gel or wipes, if you choose. Personal beverages allowed. • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ---------------- Sunday July 16 Zoom Afternoon of Healings and Readings! Our fundraising date is finally here!! Some spots still left!! Update: We are excited to have our newest Associate Member Ebony Washington from Arkansas give Lenormand card readings at this event! 1:00-5:00 PM ET (Last healing or reading begins at 4:45 PM) Offering: $15.oo for 15 minutes See poster for details. UPDATED List of gifted Healers and Readers: Rev. Frank Kotowski: Mediumistic and intuitive messages Su Garrison-Terry: Lenormand card readings Tara Penske: Mediumistic and intuitive messages Ebony Washington: Lenormand card readings • Reserve a spot: Send a message to Valerie at [email protected] Time slots are 1:00, 1:25, 1:50, 2:15, 2:40, 3:05, 3:30, 3:55, 4:20, 4:45. (15-minute readings + 10-min break). Give preferred times and the reader you want. Multiple readings can be scheduled. • • Payment: PayPal donation button here: • • • Confirmation: Zoom link will be sent after arrangements & payments are made Check in 5 minutes before scheduled time, please! We appreciate your support! ---------------- Monday July 17 New Moon in Cancer The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 17, 2023, just as the Lunar Nodes shift into Aries and Libra, unlocking a new 18-month karmic cycle. The Cancer New Moon and the shifting of the Lunar Nodes happening on the same day indicate a time of heightened karmic energy. If we pay attention, we may notice a sprinkling of bread crumbs by the Universe, leading us down a path that will accelerate the growth and development of our soul. The Cancer New Moon may also bring new events or opportunities into our lives that can align us with feelings of purpose. Pay attention to things that are stirred under this New Moon, as they are likely to be a guide for us on which direction the Universe is pointing us in. More to read at: ============================================== Looking Ahead =============================================== Saturday July 22 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ============ Saturday July 29 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon and Saturday July 29 Zoom DISCOVERY CIRCLE on "What Is Public Health and Why Is It Important?" Directed by Kasey A. Ryman, MPH Time: 2:15 PM Donation: $10. per person See poster for details, and visit our donations page for live links: • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ============ Saturday August 5 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Tuesday August 8 Zoom Meditation & Messages @ 7:30 PM ET ============ Saturday August 12 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE =============================================== Previously =============================================== Getting ready to hear Rev. Frank Kotowski serve at the Center for Spiritual Development in Greenwich, CT. last Sunday, July 9. This was a hybrid service. The Center’s sanctuary is very impressive! (Photo directly below, on the right.) The Presider at service, Susan Safko, wanted to show Frank the Board room and library at the Center for Spiritual Development. Some of you may be envious, but the Center also boasts a separate room for physical mediumship, complete with a huge crystal illuminated from below. After service, a fellowship was held and Valerie and Frank got to break bread with the CSD congregants. A wonderful time was had by all and new friendships were formed. All photos by Valerie Miller. =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New class! "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:30 to 8:45 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Rev. Frank Kotowski. The next class will be on Tuesday, August 8. For more information see poster here: In-Person Mediumship Meetups on Tuesday: We have decided to suspend in-person mediumship classes at UUFSB until there is more interest for those wishing to attend. Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on July 15 and August 5 . If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God. Christopher G. Doris K. Ron G. Sade T Hanahn Amy V Daziah Diane C. Joshua (transitioned) and mom Tracey Alisha M. Amy and daughter Alison Ann G. Simone M. Danielle S. Dorothy M. (transitioned) Ronn M. Stephanie S. and daughter Ryan David B. Michael D. Fran D. Linda & Larry B. Yvette O. Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. ---------------- ---------------- On the road pic; by Valerie Miller. ---------------- In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Young Hydrangea buds and blooms; photo by Valerie Miller. Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: ---------------- Wednesday July 5 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L. Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted. • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash. ---------------- Thursday July 6 @ 7:30 PM Zoom Mediumship Development Meetup Readings with Questions Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom we will be working on our intuitive and mediumistic skills in offering a evidential and valuable reading. How do we handle questions that our sitters/clients pose to us in our readings? • For the Zoom link, please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: send an email The cost for a class is $10.00, or $6.00 if that is more affordable. Please pay on our website: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Image above: Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash. ---------------- Saturday July 8 Zoom Service at 12 PM noon NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE! • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. ---------------- Sunday July 9 Zoom Rev. Frank serving the Center for Spiritual Development, Greenwich, CT. 11 AM EST For the Zoom link please visit: ---------------- New Class!! Tuesday July 11 Zoom Meditation & Messages 7:30 PM ET "Meditation and Messages" will occur on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:30 to 8:45 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Frank. If there is time at the end of each class, there will be a discussion on topics related to Spiritualism and Spirituality. People of all faiths and philosophies are welcome. • For the Zoom link, please email our church in advance. The cost is $10 per person. Payable using the Meditation & Messages PayPal donation button on our website: ============================================== Looking Ahead =============================================== Saturday July 15 Hybrid Service at UUFSB @ 10:30 AM ============ Sunday July 16 Zoom Healings and Readings Day fundraising event! 1:00-5:00 PM ET (Last healing or reading begins at 4:45 PM) Offering: $15.oo for 15 minutes See poster for details. Visit our donations page for live links: We appreciate your support! ============ Saturday July 22 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ============ Saturday July 29 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon and Saturday July 29 Zoom DISCOVERY CIRCLE on "What Is Public Health and Why Is It Important?" Directed by Kasey A. Ryman, MPH Time: 2:15 PM Donation: $10. per person See poster for details, and visit our donations page for live links: • For the Zoom link please email our church in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== New class! "Meditation and Messages" occurs on the second Tuesday of the month, each month, from 7:30 to 8:45 pm. A 20-30 minute meditation will be followed by 45 minutes of spirit messages. All guests can give messages, as in a Message Circle, under the guidance of Rev. Frank Kotowski. The next class will be on Tuesday, July 11. For more information see poster here: In-Person Mediumship Meetups on Tuesday: We have decided to suspend in-person mediumship classes at UUFSB until there is more interest for those wishing to attend. Two In-Person SCOL Services a Month Now: Our church is having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month now. They are usually on the first and third Saturdays of the month, but this may not always be the case. Our next Hybrid services will be on July 15 and August 5 . If anything changes concerning our in-person services, we will let you know. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God. Christopher G. Doris K. Ron G. Sade T Hanahn Amy V Daziah Diane C. Joshua (transitioned) and mom Tracey Alisha M. Amy and daughter Alison Ann G. Simone M. Danielle S. Dorothy M. (transitioned) Ronn M. Stephanie S. and daughter Ryan David B. Michael D. Fran D. Linda & Larry B. Yvette O. Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. ---------------- ---------------- “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.“ – Laozi (Lao Tzu) Neighborhood tortoise: photo by GCM. ---------------- In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025