Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: Wednesday September 28 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Thursday September 29 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup Endings and Beginnings Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday we will be working with the theme of endings and beginnings. What can we intuitively pick up on concerning endings and beginnings for our fellow students and what can those in spirit tell us about important endings and beginnings. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom link: Please email Frank for the Zoom link. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Saturday October 1 In-Person hybrid Service @ 10:30 AM ET Our in-person/hybrid church service starts at 10:30 AM. 10:30 AM Get to know us/Zoom chat room opens. 10:45 AM Worship Service begins. Thank you. Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: T Vitanza-Salgine Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others Join us for our In-Person Service at the UUFSB building, where we have been meeting since January 2018: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, Religious Education Wing, 380 Nicolls Rd., East Setauket, NY 11733. For those joining us for the first time please see the directions on our website page 'HOW to REACH US': Summerland Covid protocol: UUFSB has provided room air filters, which will be used during service. No vaccinations required, masks are optional. You may bring your own hand sanitizing gel or wipes, if you choose. Personal beverages allowed. • Summerland Church Service live-stream Zoom: Please email our church for Zoom link. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. Tuesday October 4 St.Francis of Assisi Day, World Animal Day We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.~Immanual Kant =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== UPDATE Moving to Two In-Person SCOL Services: Our church is planning to begin having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month at UUFSB starting in October. We plan to have a hybrid service on Oct. 1 and 22. For the months that follow, wait for additional emails with more information. If we have enough people attending these two services, we will continue to have two hybrid services for the months that follow. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== UPCOMING SCOL EVENTS =============================================== Saturday October 8 Zoom Service @ 12 PM noon ET MESSAGE CIRCLE directly after service. ================= Saturday October 22 In-Person-hybrid Service @ 10:30 AM ================= Tuesday October 25 Zoom Simply Card Spreads Workshop with Suzanne Garrison-Terry @ 7:30- 9:30 PM Cost $20. See poster for information. PayPal link here. ================= Tuesday November 1 Zoom DISCUSSION CIRCLE @ 7:30-9:30 PM On the Interpretation of the 9 Principles on the NSAC website written by Joseph P. Whitwell, Third NSAC President. Moderator: Lindy Cacioppo Donation: $5. More information coming soon. ==================== Other Events ==================== October 9-14 NSAC Convention 2022 After a two-year absence there will be a convention held this autumn in Phoenix, Arizona. For information visit: A delegation from Summerland will be attending, more details soon. -------------------- November 4 & 5 Zoom NST Weekend Events The National Spiritualist Teachers Club invites you to join us for the NST Weekend, November 4 and 5, titled “Spiritualism Yesterday, Today, and You.” Nov. 4 Message Circle 7:00–9:00 PM EST Chair: Sharon Watson. Mediums are Marrice Coverson, Susan Hazard, Dawn Luehrs, and Rina Salvemini. $10 per person. Nov. 5 "Spiritualism Yesterday, Today, and You" Classes $10 per person, per class. (1) The Development of Spiritualism 11:00 to 1:00 PM EST With Linda O’Connor. Ancient Spiritualism to Modern Spiritualism; development of thought and ideas from the time of religious reformation with Luther, Calvin, etc., leading into Modern Spiritualism. (2) Self-Responsibility 2:00 to 4:00 PM EST With Lelia Cutler. We do not believe in vicarious atonement, and it is our responsibility to learn about the Natural Laws that have an effect on our lives and the four phases of life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. (3) Healing Through the Ages and Its Different Forms 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST With Susan Ferency. Healing is a technique that has been used from time immemorial by all cultures. What thread do they have in common? The history of healing around the globe. For details see the August-September NSAC News pdf here: The NST weekend events may be found on page 3. =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God.
Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the confirmation text banner '20% of your online order today will be donated to Summerland Church of Light, NSAC' is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! See the new Autumn 2022 catalog pdf here. =============================================== Previously =============================================== Halloween Zoom mosaic, 2021. And far right, Su with one of her black cats 🐈⬛ Prince! In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: Wednesday September 21 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Thursday September 22 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup Words and Language Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom, we will be working with words and language. Exercises will attune us to the importance of words and language in our communication with those living physically now and those in spirit. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom link: Please email Frank for the Zoom link. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Thursday September 22 Mabon or Autumnal Equinox 9:04 P.M. EDT Saturday September 24 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS!
Presider: Camille Johnson Meditation: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spiritual Address: Rev. Jude Davidson Spirit Messages: Rev. Jude & Rev. Frank • Summerland Church Service Zoom link: Please email our church for link. BOARD MEETING AFTER SERVICE Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. Sunday September 25 New Moon in Libra This New Moon brings open, expansive, and gentle energy, reminding us to focus on finding our balance. The cosmic music that flows from this New Moon is sweet, harmonious, and aligned to help us vibrate with our true and highest Self. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity, and abundance is very active under this New Moon, adding to its sweetness. There will be a strong illuminatory effect to this New Moon, allowing us to see things with a greater clarity and higher perspective. As things are illuminated for us, the sweet energy of Jupiter inspires us to focus on the silver lining or the positive side of things, no matter what is brought into our awareness. The energies of the Libra New Moon are also calling for us to focus on simplicity. Be mindful of what you choose to take on during this time and see if you can approach everything from a simple mindset, rather than getting swept up in all the little details or what-if scenarios. If this New Moon could talk, it would encourage us to simplify our lives. It would say- Try to see the lightness in any burdens that are weighing on you, try to laugh at yourself, or at the situation if you can. Forgive yourself, release yourself from anything that feels heavy on your shoulders. Simplify your thinking and thought processes. Allow lightness to radiate through your being and into whatever feels complicated in your life. ========= Monday September 26 Rosh Hashanah ========= Tuesday September 27 NSAC 129th Anniversary! National Spiritualist Association of Churches, established 1893. Tuesday September 27 In-Person Mediumship Development Meetup at UUFSB @ 7:30 PM If we get enough people to sign up; minimum is 4. • Please email, text, or call by 2 pm Tuesday if you plan to come: [email protected]; 631-316-1588 • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website : =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== UPDATE Moving to Two In-Person SCOL Services: Our church is planning to begin having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month at UUFSB starting in October. We plan to have a hybrid service on Oct. 1 and 22. For the months that follow, wait for additional emails with more information. If we have enough people attending these two services, we will continue to have two hybrid services for the months that follow. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== UPCOMING SCOL EVENTS =============================================== Tuesday November 1 Zoom DISCUSSION CIRCLE @ 7:30-9:30 PM On the Interpretation of the 9 Principles on the NSAC website written by By Joseph P. WhitweIl, Third NSAC President. Moderator: Lindy Cacioppo Donation: $5. =================== Other Events =================== September 22, 6:00 PM Central Time Join the Friends of First Spiritualist Church of Austin and the Reverend Elaine Hager in a conversation centered around the book "Becoming A Spiritualist"* by H. Gordon Burroughs. This class is FREE, but please feel free to make a donation to our Building Repair Fund: Venmo: @FSCoA or CashApp: $FSCoA We look forward to seeing you! To receive your Zoom invite click here: *You can order this book for $10.00 from the NSAC Bookstore here: ------ October 9-14 NSAC Convention 2022 After a two-year absence there will be a convention held this autumn in Phoenix, Arizona. For information visit: A delegation from Summerland will be attending, more details soon. ------ November 4 & 5 NST Weekend Events Zoom From the August-September issue of NSAC News (pdf below): The National Spiritualist Teachers Club invites you to join us for the NST Weekend, November 4 and 5, titled “Spiritualism Yesterday, Today, and You.” Nov. 4 Message Circle 7:00–9:00 PM EST Chair: Sharon Watson. Mediums are Marrice Coverson, Susan Hazard, Dawn Luehrs, and Rina Salvemini. $10 per person. Nov. 5 "Spiritualism Yesterday, Today, and You" Classes $10 per person, per class. (1) The Development of Spiritualism 11:00 to 1:00 PM EST With Linda O’Connor. Ancient Spiritualism to Modern Spiritualism; development of thought and ideas from the time of religious reformation with Luther, Calvin, etc., leading into Modern Spiritualism. (2) Self-Responsibility 2:00 to 4:00 PM EST With Lelia Cutler. We do not believe in vicarious atonement, and it is our responsibility to learn about the Natural Laws that have an effect on our lives and the four phases of life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. (3) Healing Through the Ages and Its Different Forms 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST With Susan Ferency. Healing is a technique that has been used from time immemorial by all cultures. What thread do they have in common? The history of healing around the globe. For details see the NSAC News pdf below. The NST weekend events may be found on page 3. =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God.
Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the confirmation text banner '20% of your online order today will be donated to Summerland Church of Light, NSAC' is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! See the new Autumn 2022 catalog pdf here. In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: Wednesday September 14 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Thursday September 15 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup Psychometry of Our Loved Ones Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday on Zoom we will be working with psychometrizing photographs of our loved ones. If you plan to come to this class, please send me a photo of a loved one or two who is in spirit. Do not identify to me who the person in the photo is. At class, we will intuitively pick up information about the people in spirit in the photos. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom link: Please email Frank for the Zoom link. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Saturday September 17 In-Person hybrid Service @ 10:30 AM ET Our in-person/hybrid church service starts at 10:30 AM. 10:30 AM Get to know us/Zoom chat room opens. 10:45 AM Worship Service begins. Thank you. Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Valerie Miller Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others Join us for our In-Person Service at the UUFSB building, where we have been meeting since January 2018: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook, Religious Education Wing, 380 Nicolls Rd., East Setauket, NY 11733. For those joining us for the first time please see the directions on our website page 'HOW to REACH US': Summerland Covid protocol: UUFSB has provided room air filters, which will be used during service. No vaccinations required, masks are optional. You may bring your own hand sanitizing gel or wipes, if you choose. Personal beverages allowed. • Summerland Church Service live-stream Zoom: Please email our church for Zoom link. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. Sunday September 18 Zoom Afternoon of HEALINGS & READINGS FUNDRAISER! @ 1 to 5 PM ET (Last healing or reading begins at 4:45 PM) Still $15 for 15-minute healings and readings. Thank you for your support! Current list of gifted Healers and Readers: Rev. Frank Kotowski: Mediumistic and intuitive readings Su Garrison-Terry: Lenormand card readings Tara Penske: Mediumistic and intuitive readings • Reserve a spot: Send a message to Valerie at [email protected] Time slots are 1:00, 1:25, 1:50, 2:15, 2:40, 3:05, 3:30, 3:55, 4:20, 4:45. (15-minute readings + 10-min break). Give preferred times and the reader you want. Multiple readings can be scheduled. • • Payment: PayPal button here: • • • Confirmation: Zoom link will be sent after arrangements & payments are made. Check in 5 minutes before scheduled time, please! ---Tuesday September 20 Zoom DISCUSSION CIRCLE @ 7:30-9:30 PM ---has been postponed New date to be determined. Stay tuned! On the Interpretation of the 9 Principles on the NSAC website written by By Joseph P. WhitweIl, Third NSAC President. Moderator: Lindy Cacioppo Donation: $5. =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== UPDATE Moving to Two In-Person SCOL Services: Our church is planning to begin having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month at UUFSB starting in October. We plan to have a hybrid service on Oct. 1 and 22. For the months that follow, wait for additional emails with more information. If we have enough people attending these two services, we will continue to have two hybrid services for the months that follow. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Saturday September 24 Zoom Service @ 12 noon PM ET Summerland welcomes Guest Rev. Jude Davidson! --- Tuesday September 27 In-Person Mediumship Development Meetup at UUFSB @ 7:30 PM If we get enough people to sign up; minimum is 4. --- Other Events October 9-14 NSAC Convention 2022 After a two-year absence there will be a convention held this autumn in Phoenix, Arizona. For information visit: A delegation from Summerland will be attending, more details soon. =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God.
Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the confirmation text banner '20% of your online order today will be donated to Summerland Church of Light, NSAC' is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! See the new Autumn 2022 catalog pdf here. September 9 - October 2 Mercury Retrograde through Libra and Virgo The third Mercury Retrograde of the year starts on September 9, lasting until October 2. Mercury will enter retrograde in the air sign of Libra, making its way back into the earth sign, Virgo, on September 23. As Mercury moves through Libra from September 9-22, it may highlight our relationships. Old relationships may come back into our lives in some way, or we may feel it necessary to leave some relationships in the past. We may also feel confused or indecisive about a certain relationship in our lives. As Mercury moves through Virgo from September 23 onwards, we may need to address the motivation behind our daily habits, particularly the habits that relate to our health and well-being. Is our motivation rooted in alignment or somewhere else? Mercury ends its retrograde on October 2, but won’t be back to its former strength and energy until October 16. Image: 'Mr Ducrow as Mercury' by M. & M. Skelt, publisher, 1810-1848. (modified) n peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Dear Friends, Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Church Meetings newsletter by email please add your name to the list here: Wednesday September 7 @ 7:00 PM Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • Debbie's weekly meditation is offered every Wednesday evening unless otherwise specified. Email her for the Zoom link for each meditation here. Thursday September 8 @ 7:30 PM ET Zoom Mediumship Development Group Meetup Harvesting the Fruits of Our Labor Hi, everyone. For our Mediumship Class on Thursday, September 8, at 7:30 pm on Zoom, we will be working with the fruits of our labor this year. The Fall is traditionally the season to bring in the crops we grew and tended to in the Spring and Summer. Metaphorically, what crops can you harvest now, meaning what accomplishments for this year can you gather and enjoy and be proud of? And can our loved ones in spirit advise us about how we can harvest more crops or accomplishments that are still to come • Mediumship Meetup Zoom link: Please email Frank for the Zoom link. • A minimum of four students is required for a class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm Thursday if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. Please pay on our website: Frank Kotowski is facilitating this mediumship group, which is open to both SCOL members and non members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! Saturday September 10 Zoom Service @ 12:00 PM noon ET NOTE OPENING TIME—12:00 PM: ROOM OPEN FOR VERBAL CHAT AMONG PARTICIPANTS, ALL UNMUTED. 12:15 PM: START OF SERVICE, ALL ARE MUTED. PLEASE BE ON TIME. THANKS! Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Camille Johnson Spiritual Address: Suzanne Garrison-Terry MESSAGE CIRCLE AFTER SERVICE • Summerland Church Service Zoom link: Please email our church for link. Thank you !! We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'. Saturday September 10 Full Harvest Moon in Pisces The Harvest Moon reaches its peak illumination at 5:58 AM ET on September 10. The energy around the Pisces Full Moon is really urging us to go slow and to take our time. It is really urging us to listen and find our stillness. Pisces is the last of the 12 zodiac signs and represents the end of a cycle, so this Full Moon may very well bring an ending or culmination point to a cycle we have been working on. We may find that we can harvest the fruits of our labor, or a chapter we have been working on finally comes to a close. Be sure you keep your arms open to whatever the Universe wants to bring and trust in the timing. More to read at: Image by Alejandro Salas from Pixabay. (modified) =============================================== SCOL NEWS =============================================== UPDATE: The next In-Person service will be on September 17. Moving to Two In-Person SCOL Services: Our church is planning to begin having two hybrid services (services that are in-person at UUFSB and also live-streamed on Zoom) a month at UUFSB starting in October. We plan to have a hybrid service on Oct. 1 and 22. For the months that follow, wait for additional emails with more information. If we have enough people attending these two services, we will continue to have two hybrid services for the months that follow. At this point, we are not requiring you to wear a mask but you may certainly do so. (Health protocols may change due to changing NY state and UUFSB mandates.) The room for our services in the Religious Education wing has two portable air-purifying systems that will be used during the time we are there. We require a minimum of four people to attend (not counting the platform workers and helpers). Please let us know if you can commit to coming, and how often, to our hybrid services. Also, we are looking for more people to serve at our hybrid services. If you have an interest in offering a Spiritual Address, offering a guided meditation, or being a greeter, please let us know in an email. Please email our church with your reply or for any questions you may have: [email protected] =============================================== UPCOMING EVENTS =============================================== Saturday September 17 In-Person and Zoom SERVICE @ 10:30 AM ET --- Sunday September 18 Zoom Afternoon of HEALINGS & READINGS FUNDRAISER! @ 1 to 5 PM ET (Last healing or reading begins at 4:45 PM) Still $15 for 15-minute healings and readings. Thank you for your support! Current list of gifted Healers and Readers: Rev. Frank Kotowski: Mediumistic and intuitive readings Su Garrison-Terry: Lenormand card readings Tara Penske: Mediumistic and intuitive readings Tara is available only on Saturday Sept.17 or Monday Sept. 19: Saturday afternoon 2 - 5, and evening 7 - 9. Monday anytime after 6 PM. • Reserve a spot: Send a message to Valerie at [email protected] Time slots are 1:00, 1:25, 1:50, 2:15, 2:40, 3:05, 3:30, 3:55, 4:20, 4:45. (15-minute readings + 10-min break). Give preferred times and the reader you want. Multiple readings can be scheduled. • • Payment: PayPal button here: • • • Confirmation: Zoom link will be sent after arrangements & payments are made. Check in 5 minutes before scheduled time, please! --- Tuesday September 20 Zoom DISCUSSION CIRCLE @ 7:30-9:30 PM On the Interpretation of the 9 Principles on the NSAC website written by By Joseph P. WhitweIl, Third NSAC President. Moderator: Lindy Cacioppo Donation: $5. See poster for details. Email our church for Zoom link: [email protected] PayPal link here: --- Saturday September 24 Zoom Service @ 12 noon PM ET Summerland welcomes Guest Rev. Jude Davidson! --- Tuesday September 27 In-Person Mediumship Development Meetup at UUFSB @ 7:30 PM If we get enough people to sign up; minimum is 4. --- Other Events October 9-14 NSAC Convention 2022 After a two-year absence there will be a convention held this autumn in Phoenix, Arizona. For information visit: A delegation from Summerland will be attending, more details soon. =============================================== Previously =============================================== Platform workers Camille, Su, and Frank. Late August, 2018. =============================================== Spiritual Healing Requests =============================================== Spirit healings result from law-governed forces being put into operation following the sending forth of a thought directive (prayer). Spirit guides and doctors will diagnose the trouble and its cause, attention being directed to overcoming the cause, and then removing the symptoms. Please set time aside each day to send healing thoughts for each of those listed below, that they may receive from Spirit that which is for their highest and best needs. Your healing prayers are needed and benefit others in ways we may never know. To request that a name or situation be placed on this healing list, please send a note to [email protected] Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force To remove all obstructions From my mind and body And to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty And I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force To help both present and absent ones Who are in need of help And to restore them to perfect health. I put my trust and love in the power of God.
Prayers for all those who have experienced violence and abuse. Prayers for areas affected by recent natural disasters around the globe. It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings..... Summerland has joined the online fundraiser program at SERRV International! Every online purchase helps support artisans, farmers and Summerland, too! You must use this exact website link for purchases that benefit Summerland Church of Light: Our Summerland shoppers need to always check that the confirmation text banner '20% of your online order today will be donated to Summerland Church of Light, NSAC' is at the top of the home page before shopping to make sure our nonprofit is identified. Thank you! In peace and harmony, Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary |
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025