Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its believed community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
Wednesday October 20
Full Moon 10:57 A.M. EDT
Falling in the sign of Aries on October 20th, the Full Moon will activate the energies of Mars, Pluto, and Eris, creating what is known as a T-Square. This configuration of energy can create a building of tension, but sometimes we need tension in order to inspire action.
Sometimes, it takes feeling stretched to your limits in order to put your foot down, speak your truth, set boundaries, and act, in an effort to change your situation. In essence, that is what this Full Moon is calling us to do. It is calling for us to take affirmative action. But this is where it gets a bit tricky. With Mars, Pluto, and Eris involved, sometimes it can be hard to know what action to take. Sometimes, these planetary forces can see us acting from a place of ego or in an effort to gain control. Sometimes these planetary forces can trigger our darker, more heated emotions, causing us to lash out or perhaps be too forceful. It can help to keep all of this in mind under the energies of the Aries Full Moon, but don’t let this prevent you from taking action if it feels like the right thing to do. This is very assertive energy, and sometimes we do have to be firm, stand our ground, and communicate what we need. At the end of the day, every decision and action we take is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shift our life in a new direction. Regardless of where you stand, this Full Moon is a bit of a reality check, helping us to reassess some of our goals and dreams, and what we have been doing, or not doing, in order to achieve them. More to read at :
Wednesday October 20 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday October 21 @ 7:30 PM Zoom and
Tuesday October 26 @ 7:30 PM In-Person* Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for attending either Meetup class is $10, or $6.00 if you cannot afford $10.00. You can prepay on our church website donation page (link below) or pay in person for the class on Tuesday. •• A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know if you are coming by sending an email, text message, or phone call by 2 pm on the day of class. ••• online THURSDAY 10/21: WORKING with UNIVERSAL ENERGY and KNOWLEDGE •••
Hi, everyone. This Thursday, October 21, we will be working with the energies and the information of the Universe. Come blend with the Universe and gain access to knowledge of yourself and others.
• Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, October 21, @ 07:30 PM EST US and Canada Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ...
••• in-person TUESDAY 10/26: Special Mediumship Meetup Old-Fashioned Séance •••
Hi, everyone. This Tuesday at UUFSB, October 26 we are having a special class: an old-fashioned séance! We will be sitting around a round table, calling those in spirit to draw close and make their presence known. We will also be doing some table tipping. If you can, please dress in period clothing from another era (1920s, 1930s, whatever) or dress somewhat formally in black.
LIMITED SEATING: Reserve a spot by calling Frank Note: Facemasks are required. Scroll a little further down the page to see poster with more information. *Now on Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, there is an in-person Mediumship Development class at UUFSB in East Setauket. Attendees should arrive by 7:20 pm so we can start promptly at 7:30 pm. If you are coming to a Meetup class for the first time, please email Frank for directions.
Saturday October 23 Service
@ Noon 12:00 PM EST NOTE Opening Time--12:00 PM: Room Open For Verbal Chat Among Participants, All Unmuted. 12:15 PM: Start Of Service, All Are Muted. Please Be On Time. Thanks! Presider: Kristin Giannetto Meditation: Valerie Miller Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski & others • Summerland Church Service Zoom invitation: When: Saturday, October 23, 12:00 PM Noon EST US & Canada (11:00 AM Central Time, 10:00 AM Mountain Time 9:00 AM Pacific Time) Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thank you !!
We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'.
Tuesday October 26
Special Mediumship Meetup In-Person Seance @ 7:30 PM Facemasks are required. Wear period clothes if possible. See poster for more information. The cost is $10. per person for this special event. There is a donation button on our website here: LIMITED SEATING: Reserve a spot by calling Frank
A few photos of our last séance event held on October 31, 2019 (pre-covid).
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday November 13 Service & Workshop Guest Rev. Stacy Schuerman Kopchinski will offer sermon and spirit messages at service and offer workshop on Inspired, Automatic, and Independent Writing after service. ================================================== Saturday November 20 Service & Workshop Guest Rev. Lelia Cutler will offer sermon and spirit messages at service and offer a workshop on Spirit Guides after the service. ================================================== Sunday November 21 Readings & Healings Day 12 PM noon --3 PM Still $15 for 15-minute healings and readings. A list of healers and readers to be announced. ================================================== Saturday December 4 First In-Person Service since March 14, 2020 Once a month we will be holding in-person services at UUFSB in East Setauket. ================================================== Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
LAST SUNDAY ================================================== Idyllic scenes from Sunday's Mediumship Development Group Road Trip at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum.
Photos above, left to right: At the Hidden Oaks, By The Bridge, Mike and T. Photos by Glora Avery.
Photos above by Valerie Miller
Previously ==================================================
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our
community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
Thanks to all who participate in this program, and please sign up if you don’t. It adds up nicely.
Click here as a Search and click on the Select button! If using mobile app, turn AmazonSmile ON. What the search result window looks like for National Spiritualist Bay Shore. > Click the Select button.
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Comments are closed.
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
February 2025