Dear Friends,
Here is the latest information about our church and its beloved community. This information is being furnished as there was a suggestion for a note to be sent to advise congregants about our upcoming worship services and events. Hope that this is helpful to you.
Wednesday December 1 @ 7:00 PM EST
Zoom Meditation & Blessings with Debbie L! Come join Debbie as she guides you through a peaceful, deep meditation. Her words and the background music will take your troubles away. Donations accepted! • When a meditation is scheduled, a Zoom will be link given in the Church Meetings email. If you would like to receive our weekly Summerland Online Church Meetings email please add your name to the list here:
Thursday December 2 @ 7:30 PM Zoom
Tuesday December 7 @ 7:30 PM In-person* Mediumship Development Meetup This mediumship group is open to both SCOL members and non-members. These classes are to help you build your intuitive and mediumistic abilities. Beginners are welcome! • The cost for a class is $10.00 or $6.00 if you cannot afford $6.00. Please pay on our website: • A minimum of four students is required for either class. Please let Frank know by 2 pm on the day of class if you plan to come: Send an email, text message, or phone call
•• Online THURSDAY: Working with the Real Magic of the Holiday Season •••
For the Mediumship Meetup on Thursday, December 2, at 7:30 pm on Zoom we will be working with the real magic of the holiday season. Let us connect to the special energies of the holiday season and the end of the year as we give messages of hope and inspiration from our loved ones in spirit and tell them how grateful we are for their continued presence. • Mediumship Meetup Zoom invitation: When: Thursday, December 2, @ 07:30 PM EST US and Canada Register in advance for this meeting: > After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. * Please note: The IN-PERSON Mediumship Development Meetup classes on Tuesdays are suspended for the month of December.
Saturday December 4 In-Person Service
@ 10:30 AM EST See Zoom link below if you are attending via live stream. Presider: Lindy Cacioppo Meditation: Valerie Miller Spiritual Address: Rev. Frank Kotowski Spirit Messages: Rev. Frank Kotowski and others Greeter: Louella Blaner
We are excited that we will be returning to UUFSB for an in-person church service on December 4.
The last time we had an in-person service here was in March 2020. Attached below are the "Covid-19 Protocols for Building Use" and "Covid-19 Health Screening Form for Groups." Please read both documents carefully. If you come to our in-person service, you will be greeted by a church greeter, who will ask you to add your name and phone number to the health screening form. You must wear a face mask at all times inside the building. We will have extra face masks and hand sanitizer available. We will be playing two songs or hymns during but no singing will be allowed. There will not be hands-on healing. The healers will direct their healing to those present in the room. Please let us know if you plan to attend the service in person on December 4 so we can an idea of how many chairs we need to put out in advance. [email protected] The chairs will be spaced apart, the windows will be opened slightly for air circulation, and there will be hand sanitizer available. Please help us to make our in-person services as wonderful as before as we carefully move toward in-person services and events at our church space. ~ The Board of Summerland Church covid-19_protocols_for_building_use-8-5-21.docx covid-19-health_screening_form_for_groups.doc
• Zoom Stream Church Service
!! Please note the time will be the same as in-person @ 10:30 AM EST (not 12 PM noon) • • To receive the Meeting ID and Passcode send us an email by Friday night at the latest.
Thank you !!
We are asking for love donations at this time during our online church services to support our work and to allow us to continue through these troubling times. We are not meeting in person so can't pass around the offering plate to help us with ongoing operating expenses that need to be paid: partial rent, full insurance, Zoom fees, payment to the national organization, to name a few. Scroll to 'Online Church Service'.
Sunday December 5
@ 9:00 AM EST (10 AM CST) Join the service at the First Spiritualist Church of Austin where Rev. Frank will be offering the online Service and Spirit Greetings again. Here's the link from the First Spiritualist Church of Austin: You will need to be admitted from the waiting room, we appreciate your patience
Monday December 6
St. Nicholas Day
Who is St Nicolas? :
The Summerland Board has finally decided on having in-person services once a month. We are proceeding cautiously due to the uptick of Delta variant cases and now have a date for our return to UUFSB for an in-person service: December 4*. Everyone will need to wear facemasks and follow 6 feet of separation. Complete protocols for in-person activities will be emailed to all on our list. We will be streaming the service so people at home can view. Keep safe, one and all.
* Note that our monthly services will not always be on the first Saturday of the month. The in-person service for January 2022 will be on January 15.
UPCOMING EVENTS ================================================== Saturday December 11 Message Circle directly after service ================================================== Saturday January 15, 2022 In-Person Service
It is a pleasure for us to serve Spirit and our
community. Here is a list of the Board Members who are here to help you. Blessings.....
In peace and harmony,
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Comments are closed.
Valerie Miller SCOL Secretary Archives
January 2025